Thursday, May 10, 2012


I'm fascinated by the photography of Jamie Beck, not because she shoots high end fashion but because she captures ordinary things and makes me look twice.   I tried to make a Cinemagraph today - made two in fact- the second one is much better than the first - practice will indeed make perfect, or in my case almost perfect.

I titled this one "The Bunny Hop".

This one is much more natural looking - "Bunny Ears".

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Eldorado Park Nature Center in Long Beach is a magical place in the spring. Hidden paths, waterfalls and flowers in bloom.  Surely these yellow and white flowers are the inspiration for the tutus every young ballerina dreams of wearing.

Travel Montage

Yesterday I spent long day in the digital lab working on a montage from 10:30 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon - plenty of time to get everything done. The assignment was already late and I wanted to turn it in to at least get some feed back - if not a great grade. AFTER I printed the file at 12x18 I saw the error. I'm sure you saw it too dear reader - bottom right hand corner. A completely empty space where I should have included another image - I had plenty to choose from - but just did not see that space. Another reason why you need someone else to look at your work BEFORE you print.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Super Moon

Although the calendar says May 6th, I'm going to still count it as May 5th since I am still awake and and the morning sun is not yet up and peeking through my shutters. As I said, dear reader - I'm making an effort to blog more frequently - everyday, if I can possible make it happen. Tonight all the "hoopla" was about the Super Moon. I tried to find somewhere high and dark to see if I could capture a good image.
It does not look very large in the photo, because there is nothing to compare it with, but I guarantee you is was a terrific sight.

Friday, May 4, 2012

More Blogging

This is not news to you dear reader. It is something I have said before - I must blog more frequently. Somehow I always get distracted - either by seeking new photography sessions or learning to edit my images so they are striking and beautiful. So again I come to the blogging board having left it alone much too long. This image is from the first assignment in the Digital Imaging Class. Restoration and coloring.
I would love comments...

Constructing a New Species

Yesterday was the opening of the Student Art Show on Campus. I knew one of my pieces was being considered, but you could have "knocked me over with a feather" (yes I know that term dates me considerably) when I saw it hanging in the exhibit.
A composite of five different files. All images I captured when I was in Africa. Water Buffalo, Zebra, Island with birds, the bridge and a sunset sky. In the version I turned in I included ears from an antelope and giraffe horns. It was tedious work but well worth my time. I learned a lot.