I ran out of the house early yesterday morning to try to take my self portrait. The technical problems I had were all related to focus. I could get the exposure correct but often the focus was on a more distant part of the image or something closer - anything but my face - even when I stopped down the shutter.
I like a couple of them even though they are pretty soft.
Too bad I did not read to the end of the assignment before running out to capture the images.
"There are many creative ways to make a self-portrait: for this assignment use the self-portait to incorporate other object of many different bright and neutral colors in addition to your flesh tones. This will help illustrate the full effects of color correcting, print settings, and the assigned profile used to make your print."
Yep - it always pays to read everything before you start a project. Not sure when I will get around to reshooting the images, much less do the corrections since there is a further admonition in the instructions:
Create a working file of a flawed image, I.E. under-exposed and/or bad color. Color correct this working file using levels, curves and hue/saturation adjustment layers, in the proper order, as discussed in class. Use a working color space to visualize your corrections on the color corrected monitors in the color lab. DO NOT USE YOUR HOME COMPUTER to do this. This file needs to look good in class.
When I will do this I have no clue. Under ordinary circumstances I could go down to the lab Monday morning - but this Monday I am committed to volunteering at the Women's Conference.
I thought I had plenty of time - now I realize I do not.
Maybe I will just use the image with the most variety in color and work on that one - at home. If I turn in something, I can always do a "redo".
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